Thursday, August 5, 2010

It FLOATS and Surfs!!!

The frame was almost too pretty to skin but that wasn't the purpose.

So I sewed a ballistic nylon skin on her.

And she floated.

And hasn't broken yet kayaking in our Mendocino rock gardens.

Good thing I skinned it with the 12 ounce cloth.


  1. Cate
    I'm a newbie to skin on frames, my concern using them in surf and rocks is fragility, but your photo's seem to prove they can be tough. 6 months on, how is the wear and tear ?

  2. Tess,
    I definitely intend to push the limits and see what the SOF will take. However, I haven't paddled it much in the past couple of months because I have been playing in my surf and whitewater kayaks. I will keep you posted.
