Whether by canoe, raft or kayak, solo or supported, fearful or fearless; determination is the underlying current in all of these books.
Keep it Moving: Baja by Canoe by Valerie Fons
Keep it Moving is a tale for anyone who likes a good adventure story of physical, mental, cultural, and meteorological struggles and triumphs of the human spirit. My description sounds cheesy but this really was a book that I looked forward to reading every evening. Valerie Fons' chronicle of her Los Angeles to Yuma paddle around the Baja penninsula with Verlen Kruger gives one a real picture of many of the trials and tribulations of expedition paddling and also insight into the personal growth that often happens as a result.
Breaking into the Current: Boatwomen of the Grand Canyon by Louise Teal
Anyone who has been to the Grand Canyon knows the magic that it holds. It grabs all of us in a special way. For many years, women were not given the opportunity to oar boats as guides in the Grand Canyon. This book describes the stories of 11 women who "broke into the current" to guide rafts and dories in the Grand Canyon. This is a must read for anyone who feels the lure of the canyon and those that enjoy tales of women on water.
Fearless: One woman, one kayak, one continent by Joe Glickman
I have to admit that Fearless was not on my must read list. I tend to like stories where the underdog struggles but perseveres. Freya does not portray herself as an underdog and one realizes that is one of the reasons she is so remarkable. Unlike many women, she believes 110% in herself. Joe Glickman surprised me with his candor about Freya's solo circumnavigation of Australia. Reading the book, I realized that she was an underdog (although not by her perception) that accomplished a great feat.
I picked up Fearless on a recommendation from a fellow woman on water. After sharing my 2 cents on it, I came across the Fat Paddler's review of Fearless. I found his thoughts on the book very similar to mine. Here's a link to his review.
Please comment below if you have any reading recommendations for me.
If you want a short woman on water read, be sure to pick up the Summer 2012 Issue of California Kayaker Magazine. There is an article about kayaking the Eel River by a woman on water that you might know. It pales in comparison to the accomplishments and journeys of the women in these books, but one that I hope you enjoy reading.