Kayak Instructor Cate Hawthorne shares tips, trips, stories gear, and inspiration from adventures on the water and in nature.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Outlet Creek Run on Eel River
Kicking off my series of blog posts about the Eel River with a post on the Outlet Creek Stretch of the Eel. This is a 7 mile stretch on the main fork of the Eel River north of Willits, California. It is just above the confluence with the Middle Fork. Local's commonly refer to the run as "Outlet Creek" because the put in is at the confluence of the Eel and Outlet Creek. For detailed information on the logistics for the Outlet Creek Run on the Eel, check out the description on CA Creeks written by local paddler Paul Futscher.
Whitewater Kayaking on Outlet Creek Stretch of Eel River. Photo by Jeff Laxier
"Outlet Creek" is a fun 7 mile class III stretch that runs during the rainy season. Runnable flows on it vary from 500cfs to 20,000+ cfs. These are estimated numbers because there is no actual gauge on this stretch. Dreamflows calculates an estimated flow, but we don't ever really know what the flow is until we get there - kind of like surf forecasting. Before going, we look at 3 different gauges, look at 3 different predictions, the flow over Van Arsdale Dam, and a couple of other secret sources. When we get to the put in, there is a hand painted gauge on the 8 mile bridge.
Gauge on the 8 mile bridge.
Because of the difficulty predicting the flow, Outlet Creek doesn't see a lot of boating traffic. Don't be offended if you show up to kayak the Eel and the local boaters look at you like you are a rare wildlife sighting.
Terry making her way down Split Rock aka Trailer Rapid on the Eel River. Photo by Jeff Laxier
Wildlife that we see on this stretch varies by season. When the water is clear in the late fall and early winter, we will see salmon migrating up river to spawn.
Salmon heading up the Eel River to spawn.
Once I saw a mountain lion walking on the old train tracks. We have seen bobcats, river otters, muskrats, and lots of bear tracks. Later in the spring, we see turtles sunning on the rocks. Birds that we see include bald eagles, redtail hawks, peregrine falcons, kestrels, wood ducks, hooded mergansers, common mergansers, American dippers, black phoebes, green herons, violet green swallows, cliff swallows, acorn woodpeckers, and pileated woodpeckers.
Bald eagle looking for salmon on the Eel River.
A nice feature of the run is its relative short shuttle. It is road side which allows for a variety of put in and take out options. It is also offers good vantage points for photographing paddlers as they go down the Eel. The challenge with photography is the lighting. Check out Willits Photographer Chris Hansen's photo blog which from time to time includes kayakers on the Eel River.
Jeff Laxier kayaking on the Eel River. Photo by Chris Hansen
The rapids are primarily pool and drop and there are a lot of them over the 7 mile stretch.
Jerry dropping into the tunnel rapid on the Eel River.
The rapids change quite a bit depending on flow. Approximately 7,000 cfs is the highest that I have run this stretch. This is a fast ride. At high flows, many of the smaller class II rapids are "washed out." The Class III rapids tend to be big fast wave trains. A few have meaty hydraulics lurking at the bottom that keep you on your toes.
Elliot blasting through a hydraulic on the Eel.
Most paddlers enjoy the run in the 1200-2200 cfs range. Lots of lines are open for options in the rapids and there are some nice surf waves.
Jeff surfing my 2 Fun on a wave on the Eel.
At lower flows (500-1000 cfs), lots of eddies open up. One of my favorite rapids is just above the first tunnel. We call it "Tic Tac Toe" because there are so many fun eddies to catch through ferries and attainments.
Tic Tac Toe on the Eel River. Photo by Jeff Laxier
I found the Outlet Creek to above Dos Rios stretch more than a class III run at our flow of 3700 cfs (or more?) on January 3, 2024. (Dreamflows read “75% confidence flow is between 3700 and 4500 cfs.) The class II was III due to solid hydraulics and boils (totally fun for a class III boater) and the III was IV because the main current in the middle was huge and one had to paddle super hard to get left or right out of the current. I had a swim in the first mile not noticing, with the brown water, a huge pour over at a boulder that I entered sideways, flipped in my creekboat, was recirculated upstream in the big maelstrom below the boulder then spit out and still maybe a few feet under in big current, ran out of breath and had to swim out of the kayak. Class II-III? I thought. The main current sent the unwitting paddler (my first and only time on this stretch thus far) into broken boulders that did not look good if one couldn’t paddle hard left or right to avoid them and into big drops, at that on either side. My friend and I (a 2-man trip) opted for THREE portages of “class IIIs” because we didn’t think one of us getting trapped in the main line between sieves would even remotely sense a thrown bag being sent in (and how safe would that be?!). Dan Menten’s writeup of this is one of the least descriptive in his guide and gave no true sense of the run (except a spirited comment about it being like the Grand Canyon above 10,000 cfs). Only after the fact did I read CACreek’s write up, which gave a more accurate description of the run. The scenery is gorgeous, with waterfalls (some from drain pipes), abandoned railroad tracks, and epic house rocks on the river. Best for a crew of three at such a flow as my friend and I had. Class IV without question. Skipped out on the last rapid. Will I be back on that run? Absolutely, now the wiser!
Cate is a high energy person who loves sharing her passion for learning and the outdoors with others. Cate has several K-12 teaching credentials and a masters degree in education. After 13 years working in public schools, Cate moved her teaching talents from the classroom to the water.
Kayaking is one of her many outdoor adventure pursuits on the Mendocino Coast. When not kayaking, Cate is likely to be mountain biking, hiking or running in the forest. Cate is an avid birder, connoisseur of wild mushrooms, and writer. She is an ACA certified whitewater and sea kayak instructor, wilderness first responder, and is a Lieutenant in the Tsunami Rangers.
I found the Outlet Creek to above Dos Rios stretch more than a class III run at our flow of 3700 cfs (or more?) on January 3, 2024. (Dreamflows read “75% confidence flow is between 3700 and 4500 cfs.) The class II was III due to solid hydraulics and boils (totally fun for a class III boater) and the III was IV because the main current in the middle was huge and one had to paddle super hard to get left or right out of the current. I had a swim in the first mile not noticing, with the brown water, a huge pour over at a boulder that I entered sideways, flipped in my creekboat, was recirculated upstream in the big maelstrom below the boulder then spit out and still maybe a few feet under in big current, ran out of breath and had to swim out of the kayak. Class II-III? I thought. The main current sent the unwitting paddler (my first and only time on this stretch thus far) into broken boulders that did not look good if one couldn’t paddle hard left or right to avoid them and into big drops, at that on either side. My friend and I (a 2-man trip) opted for THREE portages of “class IIIs” because we didn’t think one of us getting trapped in the main line between sieves would even remotely sense a thrown bag being sent in (and how safe would that be?!). Dan Menten’s writeup of this is one of the least descriptive in his guide and gave no true sense of the run (except a spirited comment about it being like the Grand Canyon above 10,000 cfs). Only after the fact did I read CACreek’s write up, which gave a more accurate description of the run. The scenery is gorgeous, with waterfalls (some from drain pipes), abandoned railroad tracks, and epic house rocks on the river. Best for a crew of three at such a flow as my friend and I had. Class IV without question. Skipped out on the last rapid. Will I be back on that run? Absolutely, now the wiser!